Chinese Cupping Therapy
A technique in which the air in a jar is heated to create a vacuum and placed over the skin surface. It is used to treat conditions such as muscular pain and spasms, particularly on the back and shoulders.
A technique in which the air in a jar is heated to create a vacuum and placed over the skin surface. It is used to treat conditions such as muscular pain and spasms, particularly on the back and shoulders.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and herbs go hand in hand, working together to balance energies in the body. The herbs are very high quality and expertly formulated to the specific needs of the patient based on ancient recipes.
Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine in which fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
Massage helps to relax tired and tense muscles, lower blood pressure, reduce back pain and treat most skeletal problems as well as stimulating the blood and lymphatic circulation.